What People Are Saying
“I’m a young entrepreneur and this book drops a lot of gems. As someone who had parents that were not entrepreneurial (living in NY), I love how this book explains things that any aspiring businessman/woman would need to learn. It taught me how to manage my time and maximize my potential and work smarter and not harder.”
— Amazon Customer
“Walkergems” takes the inspirational voice of April Walker and amplified her wise words, vast experience and natural back of spending love for other’s lives. True jewelry of the soul.
— Datwon Thomas, Editor-In-Chief of VIBE Magazine
“I’ve known April Walker for a very long time and everything in this book rings true. Her struggles. Her tenacity. Her integrity her ability to inspire. Her success. I have witnessed it all. Blessed and reinvigorated by this inspiring piece of literature.”
— Rosie Perez. Actress and Activist
This book is motivating and captivating all in the same breath. As you can feel how April took us on this journey with her and her memories, struggles, success, wins. The story that keeps on giving of setbacks and rebounds and what you let snatch you and what you let lift you up. I have highlighted my way through this book and use some passages as daily motivation to never give up on your dreams and to really find what sets your soul on fire and DO IT!!! Love what you do and do what you love!!! All-time favorite book for Entrepreneurship and motivation. I can't wait for the next book!
— Donnelle Hlousek, Amazon Customer
“I’m so proud of my sister in Fashion. She is authentically paying it forward. I wish this book was available when we were coming up. This is a must read for every person who desires support in creating their life!”
— Misa Hylton, Global Creative Partner, MCM and Founder of “Misa Hylton Fashion Academy”
April Walker opens not just her business practices but her whole heart in this book launching a business is an emotional roller coaster ride and Walker shines her light on that right up front, encouraging us to keep dreaming big and “move those mountains in your head.” I rely on her advice and generosity of spirit every day.
— Peggy Northrop Cofounder, Shebooks and PaperQuilt; former Editor-In-Chief of Reader’s Digest and More magazine